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International Conferences

6th National Conference of the Assosiation of Bulgarian Energy Agencies on RES

Thursday, November 25, 2010 - Friday, November 26, 2010

For the sixth year in succession, ABEA ( Assosiation of Bulgarian Energy Agencies) is organising in Plovdiv, Bulgaria a two-day ( 25-26 November 2010) conference with international participation and exhibition, which is a reflection of the year's issues; the conference makes available to a wider audience of stakeholders the best practices and instruments for sustainable energy development, implemented in the European Union and particularly at the national, regional and local levels.


- Sustainable local and regional development and Covenant of mayors – the role of the cities, municipalities and regions in Europe to reduce СО2 emissions and to increase energy efficiency and usage of energy from renewable sources. National and regional targets and indicators for sustainable energy development, energy independence and competitiveness. National plans for EE and RES by 2020 and the role of the municipalities. Sustainable action plans of Burgas, Varna , and Dobrich.

- EE and RES in buildings – the new directive for buildings, the labeling of the buildings, requirements for the new buildings, buildings with zero consumption, quality assurance system for energy-efficient retrofitting of buildings -- requirements and financing, innovative RES heating in  buildings, smart measurements and energy monitoring in family and public buildings, ESCO schemes.

- Intelligent mobility, EE in transport and bio- fuels – innovative in reduction of traffic, mobility management, mobility plans of the municipalities and businesses, quality assurance system for public transport

- Innovative projects of energy agencies, universities and business organizations

Award ceremony - The winners of National RES league – “Biomass league” and “Solar league”, part of European RES Champions league ,will be awarded for the second time.

RES Exhibition -the newest tecnologies, products and services.Study tours- demonstration of good practises in RES sphere 

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