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International Conferences

15th Turkmenistan International Oil & Gas Conference 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010 - Friday, November 19, 2010

The Ministry of Oil & Gas Industry & Mineral Resources of Turkmenistan and the State Agency for the Management and Use of Hydrocarbons and Summit Trade Events organize the 15th Anniversary Turkmenistan International Oil & Gas Conference on the title of “Oil & Gas Industry of Turkmenistan: current conditions, development prospects and international cooperation”, OGT 2010. The annual Conference will be held in the Ashgabat Exhibition Palace “Sergi Kosgi”, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan on the 17-19 November 2010.

Turkmenistan is experiencing a new era in its development - a period of renaissance and great transformation.  Accordingly, Turkmenistan’s oil & gas industry has become an important contributor to the development of the entire economy. As a result, the Government of Turkmenistan has created and is currently implementing a long-term plan for the development of both oil and gas industries through 2030. Investment openness of Turkmenistan, commitment to dialogue, and the willingness to implement and support new projects is demonstrated by the recent multi-billion dollar contracts awarded to international companies.

The Programme committee is pleased to confirm that the following speakers are confirmed to speak at OGT 2010:

  • Baymyrat Hojamuhammedov,   Deputy Chairman, Cabinet of Ministers, Turkmenistan
  • Bairamgeldy Nedirov,   Minister of Oil & Gas Industry and Mineral Resources, Turkmenistan
  • Yagshigeldy Kakaev,   Chairman, State Agency for Management and Use of Hydrocarbon Resources
  • Nury Muhammedov,   Chairman, National Gas Company, TurkmenGas
  • Annaguly Deryaev   Chairman, National Oil Company, TurkmenOil
  • Tore Yagshimuradov,   Chairman, National Geological Company, TurkmenGeology
  • Akmyrat Yegeleev,   Chairman, National Oil & Gas Construction Company, TurkmenNeftegasStroy
  • Muradgeldy Kurayev,   Chairman, National Petrochemicals Company, TurkmenChemistry
  • Muratdurdy Keimirov,   Director, Turkmenbashi Oil Processing Plants Holding Company
  • Susan Elliot,   Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau for South & Central Asian Affairs, US State Department
  • DI Walter Boltz,   Chairman, Gas Working Group, ERGEG & Vice-Chairman, Board of Regulators of ACER
  • Christof Rühl,   Group Chief Economist and Vice President, BP Plc
  • Douglas Uchikura,   President, Chevron Nebitgaz B.V. Turkmenistan
  • Dr. Wolfgang Peters,   Head of Supplies Caspian, Central Asia & Russia, RWE Supply & Trading GmbH
  • Dr. Abdul Jaleel Al Khalifa,   Director & Chief Executive Officer, Dragon Oil
  • Al Cook,   Vice President, BP Shah Deniz Development
  • Michael Hoyer,   Exploration Manager, RWE Dea AG
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