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International Conferences

V Energy Forum

Monday, November 8, 2010 - Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Foundation Institute for Eastern Studies organizes the V Energy Forum at Sopot, Poland, from the 8th  to the 10th of November 2010. The Energy Forum series (Prague 2006, 2007; Budapest 2008, 2009) are becoming the key venue in the region for exchange of ideas and open debate about the above mentioned issues between political and business leaders, including ministers and heads of state.

The 5th Energy Forum aims sketching possible future developments of the energy market in the European Union, in the Central Eastern European region and global trends on the energy market as well as identifying options for political and business decision makers to influence energy developments through positive impact of cooperation.

Among the speakers of the IV Energy Forum which was held in Budapest:

  • Babakov Aleksandr, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma, Russia
  • Bayer Mihaly, Ambassador-at-Large for Nabucco, Hungary 
  • Brunner Christiane, MP, Chairwoman of the Committee on Environment, Austria
  • Chechenov Huseyn, Chairman of the Committee on Education and Science, Council of Federation, Russia
  • Cogliati Dezza Vittorio, President of the Italian League for the Protection of Environment
  • Dolidze Victor, Head of the Permanent Mission of Georgia to the OSCE, Georgia
  • Fernandes Alexandre, Chairman of the Portuguese Energy Agency and Chairman of the European Energy Network, Portugal
  • Freifeld Daniel, former Middle East advisor of Senator Hillary Clinton, USA
  • Herczog Edit, Member of the European Parliament, Co-Chairwoman of the Forum for the Future of Nuclear Energy, Hungary
  • Kniazhnytskyi Viacheslav, Ambassador-at-Large for Energy Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ukraine
  • Konoplyanik Andrey,  Advisor to the Board, Gazprombank, Former Vice-Secretary General of the Energy Charter, Russia
  • Likhachev Vasyly, Vice Chairman of the Committee on International Relations, Council of Federation, Russia
  • Mitschek Reinhard, Managing Director, Nabucco Pipeline
  • Morningstar L.  Richard, Ambassador and Special Envoy for Eurasian Energy, USA
  • Pfeiffer Joachim, Member of Parliament, Spokesman for Energy of CDU, Bundestag, Germany 
  • Poignant Serge, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Economic Affairs, National Assembly, France
  • Poptchev Peter, Ambassador for Energy Security and Climate Change, National Nabucco Coordinator, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bulgaria
  • Topolanek Mirek, former Prime Minister of the Czech Republic
  • Varga István, Minister of Economy, former CEO-Chairman of Shell, Hungary  
For more information, please visit:http://www.forum-ekonomiczne.pl/

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