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International Conferences

IWES - 2nd Waste Technologies Symposium and Exhibiton, 4-5 November 2010

Thursday, November 4, 2010 - Friday, November 5, 2010

Waste management is a way of management involving reducing the wastes at the origin, separation in respect to their specifications, intermediate storing, recycling, transport, disposal and controls after disposal and similar operations.  This is the topic of the 2nd Waste Technologies Symposium and Exhibition to be held in Istanbul, Turkey, on 4-5 November at the WOW Convention Center.

The first stage of waste management is to eliminate waste production, if this cannot be accomplished then to minimize or in other words reducing the waste production down to the most possible level is aimed. Next, the reuse of the waste is intended, and if this cannot be accomplished as well, first recycling and later energy recovering are aimed. The final operation to be applied to the remaining waste or to the waste that these methods can not be apply is disposal. These are such methods like regular storing and burning. Application of all these methods and successive correct valuation of the waste is possible if only the required technology is available.

Opening of environment chapter in course of EU negotiations as well as the requirement imposed to municipalities through waste management legislation further increase importance of waste management in terms of our country.

2nd Waste Technologies Symposium and Exhibition will be organized in days when waste management gains significance, shall act as a meeting platform where all sector representatives, performers, suppliers, investors and decision makers, local and central managements, academic and public representatives who agreed on the necessity of the said technologies, meet.

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