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Conferences-Events in Greece

4th South East Europe Energy Dialogue

Wednesday, June 2, 2010 - Friday, June 4, 2010

Following the success of the previous Energy Dialogue conferences, held in Thessaloniki over the last three years, IENE is convening the “4th S.E. Europe Energy Dialogue” next June again in Thessaloniki  (2-4 June 2010).

The purpose of this international meeting, which is being organized in association with the World Energy Council (WEC), is to bring together highranking government officials, senior business executives and energy experts from the countries of S.E. Europe but also from major oil and gas producing countries with the objective of exchanging information and ideas, networking and discussions on the shaping of the political action required in order to face the energy and environmental challenges of the region. The “Energy Dialogue” has been conceived as a forum for furthering the idea of a S.E. European energy bridge involving all the countries of the region.

This year’s SE Europe Energy Dialogue meeting is very topical in view of the continuing global economic recession and the increasingly difficult situation with regard to the security of energy supplies, especially by the petroleum and gas importing countries, and the international concern for the development of viable alternatives.

In addition to the official representatives from each of the SE Europe countries and executives from all major energy companies of the region, senior personnel from international banks and financial institutions (i.e. EBRD, EIB, World Bank, Black Sea Development Bank, etc.) donor representatives as well as high ranking officials from the European Commission, the International Energy Agency, the
Energy Community, the Energy Charter and other international organizations will participate.

Scope & Objectives

In summary, the major objectives of the S.E. Europe “Energy Dialogue” can be described as follows:

a. Identification of the key energy objectives of the broader region, together with the study and analysis of the basic energy infrastructure and energy prospects, challenges and opportunities.

b. Assessment of Climate Change policies and their impact on the region’s energy development.

c. The international promotion of the region’s energy prospects through a well-organized initiative.

d. The furthering of contacts and interaction between energy suppliers and consumers focusing on oil and gas, electricity and Renewable Energy Sources.

e. Assessment of the energy parameters in the Euro – Mediterranean cooperation.

f. Enhancing the creation of an unofficial but effective network of contacts at international and regional level through the continuation on an ongoing basis of the “Energy Dialogue”.

Subject Areas

The “Energy Dialogue” is of particular relevance in this time juncture as current initiatives of the European Union for the creation of a regional energy market known as Energy Community (of SE Europe) and its Climate and Energy package (read 20-20-20), are evolving.

Among the themes that will be discussed during the 4th Energy Dialogue Meeting will be the following:

- The Business and Investment Climate in SE Europe.
- Update on Major Energy Projects.
- The Climate Change Agenda.
- The New Geopolitics of Energy in SE Europe.
- Integration and Competition in the SE European Electricity Market.
- The New Oil and Gas Routes: The Suppliers and Consumers Perspective.
- Co-generation in SE Europe.
- Towards a Regional Natural Gas Market.
- The upcoming Renewable Energy Market.
- Energy and the Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation.

The “4th Energy Dialogue” programme will include presentations by political personalities and energy experts of international standing, by prominent politicians and CEO’s as well as sessions on the above mentioned themes and panel discussions. Every effort will be made to further discussions between speakers and participants.

For more details click on the respective banner on the IENE's website right column.

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