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Conferences-Events in Greece

The 3rd IENE Delphi Symposium on Renewable Energy

Friday, May 7, 2010 - Saturday, May 8, 2010

IENE is to organize for the third time its Renewable Energy Sources (RES) Symposium at the European Cultural Centre in Delphi on Friday, May 7th and Saturday, May 8th 2010.

This IENE residential event is an opportunity for discussion and information exchange on latest RES developments and elaboration of appropriate business actions.

IENE’s RES Delphi Symposium aims towards the improvement of the legal and administrative framework and the introduction of measures that are necessary for the more efficient and faster development of the RES sector in Greece in combination with maximizing environmental benefits, the creation of employment opportunities and regional development, sustainability and social welfare in general.

The new RES legal framework expected to be introduced in Greece by early summer and its possible shortcomings will also be evaluated. What is more, suggestions and ideas for the fulfillment of the 20-20-20 targets is to be applied in Greece will be presented and discussed. The 3rd IENE RES Symposium in Delphi is sponsored by the Danish wind turbine manufacturer Vestas and Greece’s foremost RES company PPC Renewables SA.

For more details click on the respective banner at the IENE's website right column.

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