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International Conferences

Unconventional Gas

Monday, September 19, 2011 - Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Advances in unconventional gas production are transforming the dynamics of the global energy market and will play a crucial role in re-shaping the future fuel mix. These changes are set to impact the entire energy industry, from generation, to networks, storage and beyond. How will increased output from coal bed methane, tight gas and shale impact on future export growth and affect the direction of LNG going forwards? How can the US and Australian experiences can be replicated successfully in Europe?


By attending Platts 2nd Annual Unconventional Gas conference (Dusseldorf, Germany September 19–20, 2011) attendees will leave armed with the knowledge, skills and contacts required to answer these fundamental questions. Delegates will also gain a clearer understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities associated with unconventional gas exploration as well as how the increasing reliance on unconventional sources of gas will impact on the global energy market in the years ahead.


This timely event will examine the impact of this 'game-changing' alteration to supply fundamentals. Conference attendees will be uniquely placed to discuss the latest developments in global unconventional resources, share best practice around unconventional gas recovery, and examine successful models for international cooperation, project finance and developments in extraction technology. In depth case studies for recovery and extraction and pioneer projects will also be presented at this two day event.


Platts 2nd Annual Unconventional Gas conference will bring together leading executives from major exploration and production companies, senior figures from various governments, national and regional regulatory bodies, key investors and other market players.

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