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International Conferences

Platts: 5th Annual European Carbon Capture and Storage Conference

Thursday, February 17, 2011 - Friday, February 18, 2011

Platts organizes its 5th Annual European Carbon Capture and Storage conference which will be held in London on February 17–18. Platts European Carbon Capture and Storage conference has very much become the benchmark within the industry. It continues to build upon Platts global reputation for content quality while delivering challenging agendas at the right time from those individuals and organisations who are leading the charge.

In its five year history, the event has grown together with the industry and provided attendees with an unrivalled overview of the European CCS industry and its development. It has provided attendees with the latest in policy developments, tackled deployment challenges like finance, public awareness and storage liability, and showcased the leading projects in their various stages from Europe and from around the world.

Platts 5th Annual European Carbon Capture and Storage has and will continue to:

  • Attract over 450 leading professionals from 291 different organizations and 37 countries
  • Showcase 25+ industry leading speakers from Europe's leading utilities, project developers, technology providers, policy makers, regulators, financiers, NGOs, and observers
  • Provide an unrivalled global CCS market overview from utility plans to project challenges to legislative developments
  • Present the latest in project case studies
  • Offer excellent networking opportunities

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