Associate Organizations
Associate Organizations
Cooperation with other organisations both in the energy sector but also in the broader international economic field is a goal for the IENE. Priority will be given to cooperation with energy centres and institutes, especially in Europe and SE Europe in particular.
Among the organisations with which the IENE is already in contact and is developing specific collaborations are the following:
- The Energy Institute, (EI), London
- The Energy Community, Vienna
- Centre for Global Energy Studies, (CGES), London
- The International Energy Agency, (IEA), Paris
- The European Commission, (DG TREN), Brussels
- European Renewables Energies Federation (EREF)
- The EnergyCharter
- International Institute for Caspian Studies,(IICS) Tehran
- World Energy Council (WEC)
- Building Performance Institute (BPIE)
In Greece:
- Center for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES)
- The Association of Hellenic Petroleum Marketing Companies (SEEPE)
- The Association of Solar Energy Industries (EBHE)
- Hellenic Association of Photovoltaic Companies (HELAPCO)
- The Hellenic Wind Energy Association (ELETAEN)
- The Association of Renewable Energy Investors
- Hellenic Association for the Cogeneration of Heat and Power (HACHP)
- E 3MLab, (Prof. Pantelis Kapros)
- Public Power Corporation S.A.
- Ministry of Environment Energy and Climate Change
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
South East Europe:
- Electricity Authority of Cyprus (EAC)
- Energy Agency of the Reublic of Serbia (AERS)
- Balkan and Black Sea Petroleum Association, Sofia,(BBSPA)
- Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH EAD)
- Romanian Wind Energy Association, Buchrest
As the collaborations of the IENE with the above or other organisations develop there will be further announcements providing information on the contacts made and the programmes and activities which will ensue.