Διεθνή Συνέδρια

Oil & Gas Strategies Summit

Τετάρτη, 21 Μαΐου 2014

21 May, 2014
New York, USA

Organized by Financial Times
& Energy Intelligence

In a major inaugural Summit, the Financial Times and Energy Intelligence will bring together the companies and individuals behind the unconventional boom -- proponents, detractors and other key stakeholders as well as renowned economists and financiers -- to discuss the broader strategic implications of North America's energy revival for the US economy and industry, for markets, and for the world's changing political, economic and energy order.

Top issues to be addressed include:

  • The costs and benefits of US energy independence - will the promise be short-lived?
  • Canadian and Mexican oil and gas production and export outlook - bolstering the case for North American self-sufficiency?
  • Midstream and Downstream challenges - can the bottlenecks be overcome?
  • Financing non-conventional oil and gas along the entire supply chain - who will take the risk?
  • Environmental challenges if rapid oil and gas production growth in North America - winning the battle on acceptability
  • Geopolitical and market impacts of American oil and gas - redrawing the global energy and political map



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