Διεθνή Συνέδρια

26th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (26th EU PVSEC)

Δευτέρα, 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011 - Παρασκευή, 9 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011

The 26th EU PVSEC will be held at the CCH Congress Centre and International Fair Hamburg, in Germany (Conference 5-9 September, Exhibition 5-8 September 2011).

Chairman's Message

“Dear Member of the Global PV Community,

It is my great pleasure to invite you to Europe's most important event in Photovoltaic solar energy which will be held in Hamburg, Germany in September this year. The last year has seen a lot of progress in PV deployment, notably in Europe with an estimated installation of almost 14 GW. Meanwhile all European Member States have delivered their National Renewable Energy Action Plans to the European Commission, and it looks that there is a firm commitment which will bring Europe's PV capacity to 100 GW by 2020.

We expect many presentations addressing the technology developments which shall lead towards 2020, and in particular regarding Europe's share in producing this expected quantity. The timing of the 26th EU PVSEC coincides with a year when the European Commission plans new initiatives to foster innovation in key energy technologies. Will the costs of such massive production further decrease? How and where will large arrays with more than 100 MW be deployed? Which countries will reach grid parity within this year or the next few years? Will sunny countries install more concentrating PV systems than solar thermodynamic plants? What developments can be expected in other regions of the world, notably in China, in the US and in Africa? You will agree that there are exciting times ahead and the 26th EU PVSEC will surely provide more insight. The exhibition will again be the showroom of the PV industry and for you the occasion to check out products, equipment and new materials. Certain aspects of PV deployment will be deepened in special parallel events, offering also some surprises.

I welcome you soon in Hamburg!

Dr. Heinz Ossenbrink
European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre
Conference General Chairman”


The Conference will take place from 5th to 9th September 2011 at the CCH – Congress Centre and International Fair Hamburg in Germany. It will be the most important international Conference in the field of Photovoltaics in 2011.

Meet the experts of the PV solar branch in Hamburg to discuss new concepts, trends and developments in science and industry. The EU PVSEC will provide the most inspiring platform for dialogue and information exchange across the World.


The 26th EU PVSEC - Exhibition will take place from 5th to 8th September 2011 at the International Fair Hamburg, Germany. The four-day trade show of the global photovoltaic industry will attract over 900 companies and solar organisations from around the world. The Exhibition, running in parallel with the Conference, provides a showcase for the technology and service providers involved in the PV Solar field.

Having occupied 65,000 sqm in Hamburg in 2009, the exhibition area for the 26th EU PVSEC will be expanded in 2011. Further modern exhibition halls in section A of the International Fair Hamburg will be integrated to offer more exhibition space than in 2009. In addition to the ever more comprehensive Scientific Conference Programme, the 26th EU PVSEC will be complemented by sessions on PV industry related topics, with new applications, ideas and solutions for cell and module production. The Programme will incorporate extra auditoriums and lecture rooms in the exhibition area with up to 800 seats, supplemental to the facilities in the CCH - Congress Centre Hamburg. A continuous shuttle service ensures that all visitors and delegates will conveniently commute between all exhibition halls and all conference facilities.

The 26th EU PVSEC highlights progress in research, technological development and production processes, bringing together all key specialists of the industry to make it the most informative platform for the global PV Solar sector.

The Exhibition includes international manufacturers of PV modules and components, manufacturers of production equipment, supply industry, PV system companies and distributors, PV installation companies, PV project development companies, research and testing institutes and engineering consultancies.

The 26th EU PVSEC is supported by:

Institutional Support

European Commission


WCRE - World Council for Renewable Energy

IPVEA - International Photovoltaic Equipment Association

Institutional PV Industry Cooperation

EPIA - European Photovoltaic Industry Association

Conference and Exhibition realised by

WIP-Renewable Energies

For more information:


Advisory Services

Green Bonds

Εκδόσεις ΙΕΝΕ


Συνεργαζόμενοι Οργανισμοί


Energy Institute

Energy Community



Energy Management Institute





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