Διεθνή Συνέδρια

2nd Annual Renewable Energy Finance & Infrastructure Summit (REFIS)

Πέμπτη, 24 Φεβρουαρίου 2011 - Παρασκευή, 25 Φεβρουαρίου 2011

The pledges made by european governments to promote the development of renewable energy sources have been amplified by the combined pressure of many factors. Such as the need to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, the reduction in pollution, energy security, and economic growth. The need for job creation during tough times have also led to a greater push to diversify away from non renewable energy.

The financial crisis and recession that followed made funding green energy projects harder. Uncertainty in the financial markets, sudden and unclear policy changes, and the need for governments to tackle deficits prevented renewable energy projects from taking off.

The  2nd Annual Renewable Energy Finance & Infrastructure Summit (REFIS) conference on 24-25 February 2011, in Vienna, Austria, had been organized to look for, and answer questions on how to kick start the industry again and secure sustainable energy resources.

Our prominent speakers will deliver keynote presentations addressing the main issues, challenges and strategies facing Europe – both the governments and the industry - on the road to realizing the full potential inherent in renewable energy. As the EU Directive is being ratified in the Member States, the developments will have an impact reaching far beyond its borders. These presentations will set the tone of the event and outline potential directions.

Key speakers:

  • Andrea Hercsut, Renewable Energy Policy Officer, DG Energy, European Commision
  • Richard Koenig, Associate Director, Raiffeisen Investment, Austria
  • Giuliano Monizza
    VP, Chairman of the Energy Policy & Energy Efficiency Commission, European Association of Electricity T&D,
    Group VP, Power Products & Power Systems Divisions, ABB
  • Jean Verseille
    Chairperson, System Development Committee, ENTSO-E,
    Director, System Development, RTE
  • Leonardo Barreto, Energy Policy and Economics Officer, Austrian Energy Agency
  • Helene Pelosse, Former Interim General Secretary, International Renewable Energy Agency
  • Radostina Petrusenko, Chief Expert, Ministry of Regional Development, Bulgaria
  • Kresimir Stih, Energy Director, Chamber of Commerce, Croatia
  • Grzegorz Zielinski, Senior Banker, Power and Energy Utilities, EBRD, Poland
  • Daniel von Preyss, Managing Director, Private Equity, Impax Asset Management, UK

Key topics:

  • The strategies based on the National Renewable Energy
  • Action Plans
  • The current evaluation of FITs and other incentives
  • Project bankability criteria
  • Acquiring financing for your projects
  • The challenges and developments in the fields of
    transmission and storage
  • Updates on the legislative and regulatory situation
  • Ongoing and planned projects
  • Risk mitigation strategies

Who should attend:

Senior Representatives from EU, Government and Regulatory Bodies;
EPC Contractors; Institutional Investors and IFI’s; Power Producers; RE
Companies; TSO’s; Project Developers; Consultancies and Law Firms

For more information:


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